Aug 19, 2008

Cultural Exchange

Today, in addition to visiting a lovely little medieval French town and buying 20 euros worth of cheese at the supermarche, I had lunch at what has to be one of the most authentic little French eateries of all time. That would be the Buffalo Grill.

Yes. France apparently has a chain of pseudo-American West steakhouses, decorated with fringy saloon lamps and festooned with totem poles, plaster life-size sheriffs, and other Western artifacts. The menu features "Cow-boy burgers" and "Poulet Kentucky," and one can even sample the dubious "Montana" salad, complete with cajun chicken.

That said, I had ribs and they were delicious. But I think the best part of that meal had to be the kitsch. I mean, this is one of a chain. This is what French people think America is like. And if the atmosphere wasn't good enough, the country music station playing in the background (internet radio?) was the icing on the cake. I nearly fell out of my chair when "Play Me Some Mountain Music" came on. Priceless.


Erin said...

where did you go in france?

Anne said...

Nic's granadma's house in the country - which is kind of in the middle of nowhere, central France, but it really pretty.