May 17, 2005

Palaces and Plastic Toys

At least that's what I WANTED to call my latest photo album. Damn you, Shutterfly and your ridiculously short title space!

Anyway, here is the link to view my new photos. They've been taking over a long period of time, so they have some pretty random shots in there - highlights include 4 Arlington Road, in all its glory, action shots of Action Man, and a particularly hilarious sequence of pictures of a very animated Liam. Fabulous.

In other news, things are going well here in London. If you haven't already heard, I'm currently in the process of applying for an extension on my work visa. For everyone back home, that means I'll be in Jersey for the month of July, so clear your calendars now. :P Until then, I'll be trying to enjoy the weather (if it ever gets warm here!), traveling to Wales with Erin, taking a trip to Scotland, and generally enjoying the city.

This past weekend was Sally's last in the house - we went out to the club where Joe bartends, and danced the night away. (Sally's off to Manchester for a 2-month job, but should be back in London in July or August.) On Saturday, Jenny and I visited Chinatown for crazy green sponge cake and saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which was a fabulous movie. I recommend it highly. Also, I love Bill Murray.

On Sunday, I took a trip to Hampton Court Palace to enjoy one of the (rare) sunny, warm-ish days. It's really amazing - it's this huge palace that has been around since the reign of Henry the Eighth. Since around the beginning of the 19th century, the Queen would grant certain people apartments in the castle, although only a few people live there now. I spent a lot of time out in the gardens enjoying the sun, took a long walk along the Thames, and had afternoon tea (scones, clotted cream, jam, and lemon cake!) in the palace rose gardens. How English... :P New guy Chris (banker, mid-20s, from Australia) moved in, and we all watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (the best of the trio, of course).

The weekend before this past one, I overdosed on fashion by visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum's costume collection on Saturday and seeing the Fashion and Textile Museum on Sunday. Now I want clothes. Sadness. I also had my first-ever Krispy Kreme (from Harrods, which is weird, since I actually LIVE in the US), fresh and hot off the converyor belt. melty... (actually they're way more delicious than that makes it sound).

So is fairly boring, probably because living in London is becoming more and more familiar. It'll feel weird to leave at the end of June. But I'll be doing more traveling before then, so more postings to come!

= :)


Anonymous said...

Oh God... you're coming back?

Well, at least that means I finally get to get crunked with your mom.


Anonymous said...

When I read the title of your "blog," which I still find ridiculous by the way, I thought "Oh, Anne went to see the Queen, and bought some dildos on the way home"... I smiled.

Anne said...

awww, Eric, you're so whimsical...

= :)