Jun 28, 2005

Last Day at Work (for a month)

So tomorrow I'm off for my one-month holiday in Jersey - and hopefully I'll be able to come back here and spend another year in London. I've really become more comforytable here than I ever could have imagined...I can't believe that at one point everything seemed strange and new.

Going out tonight for a celebratory pub quiz - craziness. But what it lacks in excitement, it makes up for in quality housemate time. Plus the incentive of winning - woohoo!

Anyway, don't want to spend too much of my last afternoon in the office. Off to enjoy the sunshine!

1 comment:

denis said...

did they bite her bum, or rip her knickers off? and throw in a handbag and a brick there too, somewhere. ahh, je l'ai trouvé, n'est ce pas? tu es un travesti executive...

his paris skit on the dress to kill dvd is hilarious btw. to be recommended, barb. i believe you would like it muchly.