Oct 27, 2005

Today is sunny and 65 degrees...

...but in anticipation of the dreary winter days yet to come (Daylight Savings Time is this weekend!), I've gone back to the tried-and-true, emo-tinged title for my blog. Gotta love it. Although, as my experience of British traditions grows, I may have to change it to something having to do with puddings and pubs, or the like.

I'm still working on editing the Paris pics and work is particularly busy, so I'll provide the crowds with something to keep them satisfied in the meantime (I can't exactly let Evil Kanevil go unfulfilled, can I?)

Here are pics of my last weekend in Cambridge, where we ate yummy sausages claiming to be "hot dogs," went punting, consumed several bottles of wine, and went to see Nic's dad's band play a gig. All in all, a pretty good day.


= :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remind me to call you Tom Sawyer from now on. Heeheehee! Lovely pictures.