May 18, 2006've got nothing

Last bit...

We headed over to the Anne Frank museum, which was incredibly surreal. It was in the actual house they hid in during the war, and Anne's bedroom even still had scraps of the movie posters she had pasted to the walls. It was so strange - one of my favorite books had suddenly come to life. I guess it made it all the more real because you feel like you know Anne Frank after reading the diary. I highly recommend it. Then, for dinner, I tried Indonesian for the first time and loved it. We got this fantastic little sampler plate and tried about every dish the restaurant had. We stayed there till closing, after all the other patrons left, and strolled back along the lit canals to our hotel. Did I mention I love this place?

The next morning, we sadly went to return our bikes, after we had finally mastered the locks. After that, we went to this great flea market, where I got shirts for 3 euro, a necklace for 1, and found out where all those little brightly colored plastic rings that you'd stick your overlong t-shirt through in the 90s had gone. Some guy had a whole box of those - that's where they were when I desperately wanted one! (Many, many years ago, for the record.)

We tried to find the same cafe we had coffee at the day before, but couldn't find it anywhere. It was like it had vanished in thin air. Melinda and I headed in opposite directions to get some lunch, but then bizzarely ended up at the same cafe - the cafe from the day before. Hmmm... After a delcious meal, we picked up some of the best chocolate cake ever, and I took a walk through the city. I know what you're thinking about the cake, but no, that was actually the brownie we had later.

One happy trip to the airport later, we had our Amsterdam buzz killed by some scary Dutch soldier with an automatic rifle herding us into the right part of the airport. I thought they had no guns in Europe? (not true, actually saw a regular police officer toting one of the same in Regent's Park for no apparent reason. Scary.) After contemplating getting some cheese in the duty-free shop, and amusing ourselves by listening to the announcements, which seemed to exist solely to shame passengers into making their planes ("Would John Smith head to gate 11? The flight is waiting for you. Way to make them late, asshole."), we boarded our flight back to London. Sigh. I'll always remember you, Amsterdam. And I'll definitely be back.

= :)

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