May 4, 2006

Meet the Parents, part II

I went to Nic's this weekend, and by "Nic's," I mean Nic's house. The kind with parents and housepets. Dundunduhhhhhhh!

I met his mum, his dad (again), his little sister Hannah (14 years old), and his five cats (a number I jokingly made up in the office, only to find out it was true), Meesie, Sybil, Pandora, Salem, and a cute little grey one I kept calling Ferragamo but whose name was actually more like Fergari. I think.

And amazingly, it was not the horrifically embarrassing ordeal I thought it was going to be. His family did not hate me - in fact, I think they may have outright liked me. And I liked them. I also see where he gets his propensity for teasing me, as that's all they did to Nic all weekend. And by the time they started teasing me, I figured I had passed the test.

Nic lives in this adorable little village near Cambridge called Linton, and it has thatched cottages and winding streets and no useful shops, just like a proper village should. We had a fantastic time, though - the weather was gorgeous and we took a walk out by the fields (rural landscapes!), did some wine tasting at a local vineyard and lazed out in the sun. Just the relaxing weekend I needed (not including the 5:30am dawn pagan May Day dance in the woods (in a downpour), which, while fun, wasn't what I'd call relaxing.)

Lest I neglect to mention the food, it was delcious and plentiful. Nic's dad cooked us a fantastic curry on Saturday (apparently his one and only speciality), and Nic's mum made the tastiest Sunday roast ever, complete with duck confit, tons of veggies, stuffing balls, and homemade Yorkshire puddings. Not to mention the sticky sponge pudding and chocolate tart for dessert - both homemade as well. We even got a proper English breakfast before we left on Monday. Major points for good food, especially since I'm sure Nic will be telling his family I posted about the food, after teasing me about my "food blog" in front of them. So what. I love food. :P

So, a wonderful weekend spent in Linton. Thankfully, Nic's parents took no awkward pictures of us together. It's the little things that matter.

= :)

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