Mar 12, 2011

A Nice Day for a Picnic

I was worried my chocolate bar tasting would be derailed this week by an ill-timed stomach bug, but luckily I have recovered enough to devour an entire chocolate bar. Whew. Also, it's sunny in London. :)

This week my candy bar of choice (and by choice I mean next in the row) is a Picnic, which has been hyped up to me in remarkably hyperbolic terms by pretty much everyone. I wasn't sure it could live up to the expectations, but it seems like it did!
The Picnic (so named, I assume, because of the variety of ingredients) is definitely one of the more substantial bars I’ve tried. It's a lumpy flat-bottomed bar packed with "goodies", as Gin would say. Raisins, peanuts, caramel, crispy rice bits, biscuit center – what’s not to like? The whole thing feels almost like trail mix covered in chocolate (it must be the addition of the raisins), which means it must be healthy, right? The biscuit bottom gives it a really satisfying crunch, and peanuts, raisins, and crispy rice make it pleasantly chunky. For Americans, the Picnic can best be described as the love child of a Twix and a Baby Ruth. Yummmm.
I think texture is what really makes this bar. It is immensely satisfying – not at all mushy or soft like some other bars. I don’t love the chocolate on the outside, but it must be the same as I’ve been eating the past few weeks, since it’s another Cadbury, so I'll discount that. Besides, the chocolate to goodie ratio is so small that the coating doesn't overly detract from the rest of the bar. I would have preferred more caramel, since sometimes the saltiness of the peanuts made the bar a bit too savory, but that's probably down to my sweet tooth. Also - bonus - the Picnic is longer than most bars I’ve tried – meaning I had half to save for later!

This is truly delicious, and worth all the recommendations it got.

Four bars! A new record!

The Picnic has entered the race for my favorite English candy bar - can the Double Decker next week knock it off that pedestal? Stay tuned and see!


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