Mar 20, 2011

Transport and Chocolate - Perfect Together

I've been a little remiss in sticking to the Friday candy bar routine lately - this week I was derailed by a particularly plentiful bake sale at work - of course I had to sample not only the Bakewell tart but also the intriguing-sounding Chocolate Beet cake (which, incidentally, was nice but a bit dry, and really only tasted marginally like beets). The sacrifices I make for research...

But despite all the distractions, I managed to secure the next bar in the row on Friday and bravely sample it on Saturday so I can keep delivering these reviews to my faithful readers. And what might this next bar be, you ask? None other than the venerable Double Decker.
I have to admit, I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. (A bit of disclosure - I'm actually bending the rules a bit this week as I have not only tried the Double Decker before, I've actually actively sought it out when I haven't been living here because I like it so much.) So how does the bar I was willing to buy for a hard earned $3 ($3!) at Cardullo's fare in the official English candy bar test?
It's still as delicious as I remember. For those of you that haven't had the opportunity to eat one of these delicious bars, it's a thick bar with a layer of crispy rice in chocolate on the bottom and a layer of chewy nougat on top. Oddly, I had always thought there was a thin layer of caramel between the nougat and crunchy bit, but that actually doesn't exist. Weird - doesn't detract from the tastiness, though. What's so unique about this bar is its robustness - it's incredibly hefty and filling, in a good way. The bottom slab is compact and dense in the way an American Crunch bar is, and the nougat on top is chewy and substantial, not like the mousse-y texture of a Topic or Mars Bar (ew). Also, it's not too sweet, which is nice - I wasn't all over the place after eating it, unlike the sugar overload disaster post-Boost Bar review.

Four and a half bars!

A high rating, but I'm still leaving myself room to be wowed by some as-yet untested bar. I think I was a little less impartial with this bar than the others, as I've always loved it. Nonetheless, it fully deserves the rating. I mean, what's not to like? A delicious candy bar, and a name that serves as a tribute to a much-loved icon of public transportation. Unless they're coming out with a Monorail bar, I don't think there's any better combination for me. :P


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