Jul 2, 2011

Flaking Out

Dear Readers - 

I've got to come clean. I've broken my own candy bar blogging rules. I thought I could get away with it but I just couldn't keep silent any longer. Go ahead and judge, but I had my reasons.

After a particularly stressful week, and with a raging hangover, I headed over to the regular shop for a new candy bar. But the selection completely failed me - first a Starbar, which I found out is actually the same as a Wunderbar (see post on Germany), which was a close miss. (Imagine the horr of reviewing the same bar twice!) 

Then about 7 different varieties of the big Cadbury's Dairy Milk (Dairy Milk, Dairy Milk with Fruit, Dairy Milk with Nuts, Dairy Milk with Fruit and Nuts, etc.), which I skipped as I've experienced Cadbury's chocolate covering about half the bars so far, and since Morgan pointed out it would mean I'd be eating virtually the same bar for a month and a half. Then a Bounty, which is basically an American Mounds, so an easy skip there.

But here comes the egregious flaunting of the rules. I looked to where the next bar should be and it was a Crunchie. Now, I've eaten a Crunchie before, but I think my reading of the rules only rules out any bar that I've eaten before IN AMERICA. A Crunchie, no matter how disgusting to me, still falls within the reviewing criteria. But I was dehydrated and craving sugar and totally pissed off for a number of reasons, so I skipped it. And then I skipped the next one. Let's face it, a Flake just isn't interesting. It needs to be put into a soft-serve ice cream cone most of the time just to jazz it up. So I went for the next one, a 'special' variety of Flake.

But I've repented, and I went back the following week for the regular Flake, for a special double review. (I'm not sure I can handle the Crunchie yet, but I'll get there eventually). 

I'm not sure why I thought this would be a terrible task. I LOVED the original Flake. It had a perfect crumbly texture - the flakes of smooth milk chocolate broke up and melted  so nicely, that I almost (ALMOST) felt it deserved the reaction of the creepy soft-porn like commercials my co-workers insisted I watch before reviewing this bar. It was like it crumbled and melted at exactly the same rate. It's like a milk chocolate pillow! Yum - a classic, and deservedly so. Four bars.

The special Flake on the other hand, was a bit of a disappointment. The 'special' aspect of this bar - called the 'Flake Allure' - is a thick layer of soft chocolate 'truffle' coating the bottom half of the bar. This does absolutely nothing to add to the deliciousness of the Flake - if anything, it actually takes something away from the simplicity of the original bar. The 'truffle' has a different chocolate flavor than the Flake itself, taking away from the milk chocolate loveliness of the inner bar. The outer layer also means the bar holds together better and doesn't crumble away as satisfyingly as the regular Flake. Not a terrible tasting bar but points off for messing with a good thing - only two bars.
So a combined three bars for the two varieties of Flake. As there seem to be new versions of tried and tested bars popping up everywhere (chunky KitKats, everything under the sun covered in dark chocolate instead of milk, etc.), I might do this kind of review more often - it was kinda fun trying two bars so similar to each other (and yet so dissimilar in deliciousness!). Just goes to show, why ruin a good thing when you have it? And next time, I'll be less disdainful of the good things which seem a little too boring to review - I could miss out on a treat! 

But that treat won't be a Crunchie, I can tell you that. Ew.


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