Feb 10, 2005

New update

Wow, I can't even remember where I left off. (Sorry, Grandma and Grandpa). Also, sorry, Virginia, this is going to be another one of my marathon posts, since I have about a week to recap.

Um, let's see...I went to the BUNAC pub meet, but it was just as lame as the other one, and full of annoying people on the visa program. Oh, and I remembered how annoying Americans can be, after getting repeatedly elbowed in the head by a giant drunken amazon woman wearing a tube top and about 10 pounds of makeup. Maybe tall people shouldn't be allowed to wear heels. Anyway.

So, then on Thursday, I completely forget what I did, but it may have involved hanging out at home with my housemates, who are all pretty fabulous. On Friday, I went out with people after work, and then went to a Harvard meetup thing, which was an incredible failure. Everyone already seemed to know each other (and also to be from Cambridge or Oxford), so they all chatted while I sat around and thought how bored I was. And then when I actually started talking to them, I remembered how stuffy and boring some Harvard people are. So, yeah. Grand failure. But there were free Doritos. (random information - Doritos are pretty big here. Are they distributed by Pepsi or something? Also, they have flavors that are called "Latino" flavors...try getting away with that in the states)

Ah, let's see - Saturday. Went shopping at my local fruit and vegetable market, and got a whole bag (my Dreyer's Farm bag!) full of veggies. That's what I'm really going to miss about London - there are so many places to get cheap (and good!) fresh fruits and vegetables. Then I went to the National Gallery with my flatmate. I can't say I was too impressed - I think I may just not like paintings all that much. Or at least anything that isn't more modern. I saw Hero for £4 (I LOVE the Prince Charles Cinema), and it was really gorgeous. Not the greatest story, but pretty nonetheless. I wonder why I never went to movies alone before...I actually don't mind it at all. I had no plans, but came back home to find a huge surprise birthday party going on - an 18th birthday. Eek. Most of the guests were my flatmate Nick's friends. Some of the people there were only 16 - I felt ridiculously old. There was a lot of drama and debauchery, but I didn't get involved...which was probably a good thing. Don't want to hook up with a housemate or anything - what with all the drama sure to ensue...

Sunday I woke up late with a bit of a headache, but set off determinedly in search of bagels - real bagels, not the pre-packaged junk they have in Sainsbury's. And I found them, and they were fabulous. I actually had to travel all the way to East London to Brick Lane, which is this old Jewish neighborhood that's now Bengali. However, the Beigel Bake has stood in the same spot for years, and still serves fresh, warm bagels and challah. Except they call it chola. weird. (And Gin, all I can think about is Chessie saying "she has...a cholera!"....hehehehe) But it was good, and reminded me of Sundays at school...especially when I ordered a bagel with lox. mmmm.

Then I saw all these people walking with flowers, and followed the line of them to this little street market that only sold plants and fresh-cut flowers. It was great, and I got a bouquet of tulips for £1. Yaay fresh flowers. Then off to Spitalfields Market, which is sooo full of accessories and clothes, mostly made by local designers. I wanted to buy everything, but restrained myself. (Erin and Shelley, I'm going CRAZY. I want to buy the entire city.) Then back to the flat to make Rice Krispie Treats, which were a giant hit both at home and at the office, where no one had ever tried them before. I just had fun playing with the giant pot of melted marshmallows. Yummy.

Monday...didn't really do anything. Tuesday is Mardi Gras in the US but Pancake Day in England, so that was fun. At about 11pm, my flatmates decided they wanted to make pancakes, and we ended up eating them until about 1:30am. whooops. They're quite different from US pancakes...they're thinner and less sweet, and you top them with sugar and lemon juice, or golden syrup, this thick, gelatinous, sugar syrup that's better than it sounds.

I love how all my entries have to do with food. i think I might be a little obsessed, and it scares me. :) But there are so many new things to try...haggis, beans and toast, golden syrup, Marmite...and not ALL of it is awful. :) Next thing to try...curry sauces from the supermarket (as well as pre-packaged naan)! Can you even GET those at a normal store in the US? Chicken tikka masala, here I come.

Up this weekend: possibly a trip to the countryside on Saturday, if the weather holds, Victoria and Albert Museum's architecture wing, and the huge Chinese New Year celebration in Trafalgar Square. yaay dragon dance. Will try and update more often - bye!

= :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

second. and don't eat marmite either!!!!

i believe you can get curry sauces in the us (and i've seen naan). probably not as good though.