Feb 3, 2005

Same old, same old

So, I've managed to steal a few minutes away from work, and can update. Cause I know you're all dying to hear from me. :)

This past weekend was fun - I met up with some friends from college (Denis and Fred) and went out for Fred's 25th birthday. Unfortunately, London's pubs close at 11pm on the weekends, as well (or at least the one we went to), so the party was cut a bit short, as Fred had to head back home after forgetting his keys. Silly, silly boy.

Luckily, some places were still open, so four of us went out and got some wine and pizza...mmmm. Then headed home and talked till 4am....ah, just like college. But not really. What sucks about graduating is that you actually have to leave college. :( Sadness.

But I have to say I like not having to worry about homework all the time, so graduating's not all that bad. :) So yeah, Monday was fairly uneventful. I have two new roommates - Liam and Sally, from London and Melbourne and 24 and 25, respectively. They're really great - we all cooked dinner together, hung out in front of the TV, and generally got to know each other. And now I have a football team to cheer for! The Tottenham Hotspurs, favorite team of Liam, are now my favorite team as well, because I really couldn't think of any other good way to pick a team except to latch on to someone else's. Apparently they're not that good, but they have lots of heart. :)

A little bit about the house, if I haven't already posted it. I live with 6 other people in a big 4-story rowhouse in Camden Town, which is fabulously cheap without being less-than-fabulously dodgy. We all have our own bedrooms and there are two bathrooms, so it never really feels too crowded. I'm on the top floor with Sally and Alana, another Aussie (21 years old). Downstairs is a big lounge and a pretty big kichen, and on the ground floor are Joe (English, 21) and Jenny (English, 29). In the basement are Liam and Nick (English, 18). It's a really fun and social place to live, and I've made my room quite cozy, what with the IKEA decor and all. :) I'll try to get more pictures of the house for my next album.

Last night, I met a couple of friends from BUNAC (the organization that gave me my visa) at a pub for drinks and had a Pimm's and lemonade, which is absolutely delicious. Pimm's is a citrusy British liquor, and it's mixed with 7-up or sprite, referred to as lemonade here. Again, England is weird.

Tonight BUNAC is holding another big pub meet right near my house, so I'll most likely go and try and meet a few more people. That, and I have to get my phone unlocked, which is an extremely sketchy process. Basically, I walk into any dosgy-looking electronics store and ask them to unlock the phone, which technically is a little bit illegal. But if I have to keep my shoddy T-Mobile service anymore, I'm going to go broke. 300 free texts a month, here I come!

= :)


denis said...

klinsmann used to play for tottenham, so don't worry, they're not THAT bad. pity you didn't see the light and become an arsenal fan, but hey, whatever, at least you stayed away from man u (just ask kris, they suck :-p).

also, by two bathrooms, anne means one bathroom and one small hole in the wall, designed for mice and other small house-dwelling creatures.

Shelley said...

Chelsea! They spend the most money. It would correspond nicely with your Yankee fandom.

Anne said...

Blah, Shelley. I don't pick the winners. And Tottenham has my colors...white and navy blue. It's fate. And you should know about spending money...it's not like the Red Sox are poor or anything.

= :)