Jul 3, 2006

End of the Affair

So, I'm back in Bucharest, and it's my last day in Romania. What a short, strange trip it's been. Romania has been an experience, to say the very very least, and I'm glad I got a chance to visit before globalization (further) wreaks its havoc. I'd like to come back here in a couple of years and see what joining the EU does to change the country.

In a way, this also feels like the end of my big backpacking adventure. I'm off to Scotland on Tuesday, but really, it's in the same country as London and everyone speaks English (kinda). I didn't really think I could travel alone at the beginning of all this, and it's had its tough bits, but I really, really enjoyed being able to travel around and see places I had only read about before. It's given me the traveing bug, though, which should be interesting on a student's budget for the next 2 years. To celebrate my successful conquest of (parts of) Eastern Europe, I think I'll get a nice pasta dish from the local Italian place. All that meat has made me consider the vitues of vegetarianism. A vegetarianism that contains a little more variety than cheese, bread, and more cheese. Yummm.

In the spirit of last days, here are some pictures from my last night out in Camden (my last night out before tomorrow night, that is, when I'm going to treat myself to a big jug of Pimms - all for me, of course). Please note: we were very, very inebriated at the time - I bear no responsibility for how ridiculous we may look. :P


= :)

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