Mar 1, 2006

Hipster or Emo Kid? You Decide.

So I know I've been pretty lax with the updating lately. I have a trip to Spain to recap, as well as the week my parents were here. But for now, I'm just going to entertain everyone with stories of my concert-going exploits.

A couple weeks ago I went to see Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the latest hipster-of-the-month band to come out of New York. They actually surprised me and lived up to the hype, though - they were fantastic in concert. The supporting act wasn't bad, either - and had the completely entertaining name of "Dr. Dog." Awesome. I also finally figured out where all the hipsters in London were hiding - it seems like they came out en masse for this show. And more importantly, they decorated the stage with balloons. And I got one after the concert. Yippee.

Last night I indulged in a guilty (guilty, guilty) pleasure and went to go see Death Cab for Cutie. Great show - I didn't think they would be so good in concert - but some points for contemplation. A. I was probably the oldest person at the concert. B. I found myself in a minority for not having messy-looking yet meticulously styled black-dyed hair. C. I did not look like: 1. Seth Cohen or 2. My sister's ex-boyfriend (jerkface). And yet, I still enjoyed the show. More specifically, I enjoyed the show but received even greater joy from watching the skinny, pale teenage boys around me shake their fists in the air, nod their heads meaningfully in time with the music, and sing their little hearts out. Especially the three in front of me who kept shouting lyrics to one another, jumping up and down, and hugging. I don't think little girls at an N'Sync concert could have been more excited.

So yeah, those are my concerts. Judge as you may, but I still have Sigur Ros, the Noisettes, 65 Days of Static, and We Are Scientists later this month. Eclecticism. Gotta love it.

= :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahahaha. that's as good as seeing large bald men weeping their eyes out and screaming along with conor at a bright eyes concert.