Mar 7, 2005

Cambridge and New Pics!!

Hi -

Am spending the weekend in Cambridge - hence the internet access. Yesterday Denis took me on a tour of the colleges, until we got pelted with a combination of rain and snow - I love England. Then we met up with Fred and had a delicious dinner of Indian food...mmmm, I love Indian food. Then a couple games of pool, which were a lot of fun...ah, college. Today was lazy and watched Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and decided that Antonio Banderas is my favorite cheesy actor of all time. Also, have been eating the entire weekend (I love you, Nutella) and need to head home before I stuff myself some more. Am possibly meeting up with Dominic before the train ride home so that I visit every single person I know at Cambridge. Probably would have done more this weekend if the weather wasn't so absolutely frigid - what with the wind and below-freezing temps, it feels more like the Cambridge back in Massachusetts than the one over here. But it's a really gorgeous town - all the buildings are incredibly old and the streets are narrow and winding. And I got to see the inside of most of the colleges here, which was also great - I think I have to agree - Cambridge seems prettier than Oxford, even with the crap weather. I have to come back when it's warm to go punting down the river that weaves through town - it seems quite nice.

And as for the pictures - most of them are from Friday, when, after an always-entertaining trip to IKEA (mmm Swedish meatballs and affordable furniture), my flatmates and I headed out on a pirate pub crawl up the main street in Camden. Yes, a pirate pub crawl. Like a pub crawl while dressed as pirates. Inspired. I think we made it as far as 6 pubs before heading back...not quite sure, actually. :) And the pirate thing went over remarkably well - all the bartenders got into the spirit and started "aarrrg"-ing as well...I love pirates. hehehe...that's about all for this weekend. Click below for the pictures. I'll update soon!

= :)