Mar 16, 2005

Long-Lost Crushes and Beans on Toast

Hi -

As I've got a break at work, I figured it would be a good time to update the blog.

So, Friday. Archie (a co-worker) and I got tickets to see one of my professors from school speak at an exhibition he curated in London. Now this isn't just any professor. This is the blue-eyed, fabulously Scottish-accented Professor Roxburgh, who I had a giant crush on at school. So I was more than a little excited to go. And nothing much has changed since college, really...I still fought to keep my eyes open as soon as the lights in the room went down and the slide machine started up, and still prayed desperately that Professor Roxburgh couldn't see my head nodding from where he was standing. But it was all worth it afterwards - I figured I couldn;t go to the lecture without saying hi, and when I did, he remembered me! Woohoo! And then he said I looked grown up, which of course made me start babbling like an idiot. I love my professor. So, yeah, that made my night. :P Also, the exhibition was really amazing - it had a lot of illuminated manuscripts and Korans, as well as gorgeous pottery, textiles, and woodcarvings.

Saturday was a lazy day - woke up at noon, headed off to the fruit market, stayed in watching football with Liam, as well as attempting to understand the rules of rugby (generally unsuccessful). Then went out to the tapas restaurant around the corner with the housemates, which was incredibly delicious, as usual. Plus, Jenny and I got dressed up just for the hell of it, which was great. Jenny's got the best wardrobe and is ridiculously generous with it - going into her room, with its closet, clothes rack, and two sets of drawers, is like going into a candy store. Or, more appropriately, really, a clothes store. But whatever. :) I wore this absolutely fab green A-line dress from the 60s (pictures forthcoming), and I plan on hitting up the charity shops with Jenny, who obviously knows where to shop. I miss my clothes... :(

Sunday = lazy again...slept late, watched the OC, lounged around and had a really good dinner - pinapple chicken stir fry...yummy. In the beginning I felt like I couldn't waste one weekend and had to travel all over the place, but lately, I think I'm ok with just sticking around - I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing...

Monday night entailed of a really good dinner of pate (who knew?), hummous, french bread, and soup...mmmm. Then Haagen Dazs and falling asleep in front of the TV (A Clockwork Orange, which I actually wanted to watch). Hm...don't think the London diet is working quite the same way for me as it did for Eric...

Last night was pretty quiet..had to clean up for guests (Denis and Raquel) coming this weekend (arriving tonight, actually). Tonight is the double feature of Rushmore and Napoleon Dynamite (for £5.50, woohoo).

Tomorrow's St. Patrick's Day, so that should be a lot of fun. No specific plans as of yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion they may include drinking...hmmmm....

= :)


Anonymous said...

This post is so not google-proof to prevent him from finding out about said crush! hehe


Anne said...

oh crap...I actually worried about that, but I thought blogs were impervious to google. Arg!

= :(