Aug 31, 2005

Camping Fun

Hey all -

I'm back! I survived the camping weekend, and according to the title, apparently had a good time, as well. :P

This past weekend - a three-day one, thankfully - Nic and I went to the Fordham Festival, which was the little music festival near Cambridge. Well, "near" is a relative term when it includes a 40-min bus ride and a 2-mile hike along the highway. But we made it there in one piece and immediately picked a prime tent-pitching spot...which we later realized was unfortunately far away from the stage...oops.

But yeah, camping was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The festival was really small but had some entertaining bands - including Nic's dad's band, who were really good. We hung out with a couple of the other band members and wives/girlfriends, and they were really great. The lead singer has this adorable little 3-year-old, Lizzie, who had ridiculous amounts of energy and was a lot of fun to hang out with.

Food and beer were cheap at the festival, so no complaining here. I had a hog roast, which is apparently some pork on a bun with stuffing, fried onions, and applesauce. mmmmmmm...I may have found a replacement for the late, great, Best Burger of All Time. Played frisbee, which was fun, although I'm apparently awful now and have no idea why. I could play in North Carolina! (well, barely, but still...) I blame it on all the tufty grass.

Can't blame the weather, though, because the weekend was absolutely gorgeous - four full days of straight sunny days (if slightly cold evenings). Actually, it's continued into this week - today is 88 degrees and gorgeous, and Londoners are going on like it's the end of the world. Not happy in the sunshine, not happy in the rain...

Anyway, despite the increasing need to take a shower (the one I took on Monday night was the best on in my life, I think), I had a great time at the festival. Plus, as an added bonus, one of the band members and his wife picked us up from the festival so we wouldn't have to walk, and then treated us to a barbecue at their house! mmmmm steak...especially after a few days of living off of chips and salsa. :P

Anyway, so that's my grand adventure. Lessons learned: camping is not as scary as I thought it was, never attempt to take out your contacts in the dark, and always, always, ALWAYS print out a map of where you're going (Nic...). hehehe...only a few more hours of work and then off to the ballet tonight - ooh lala. Will post again soon!


Anonymous said...

We want photos Patrone!

Anne said...

That is only the worst picture of me of all time.

AND it's on its side.

I hate you. All of you.

= :(

Anonymous said...

Given your lack of posts, I can only assume you were eaten by the wild and loathsome pigeons of London.

Such a pity.

Erin said...


Anne said...

By way of revenge, here is a picture of Nic from the same weekend (and the same state of unshowered-ness, I might add).

= :P