Aug 10, 2005

Thank you...

...for those lovely comments, Barb and Erin. Except for that whole "setting fire with your mind thing." That Jeremy is a dangerous guy.

In all fairness, I suppose I can't expect comments when I don't really write anything interesting. But apparently I can get them by insulting my curious...

Anyway, to recap what's happened...hmmm. I've been pretty broke lately, so many of my activities have been cheap/free. These include: Fruitstock at Regent's Park, and the Latin American Festival. These involve food, music, and general wandering among booths. Also have been hanging out with some of the new housemates - Andrew, 24, from Sydney is the newest addition and tons of fun.

Hm, in other news...we're getting broadband and digital TV, and apparently I'm the one who organizes the whole thing, so we'll see how THAT goes. There's supposed to be a party on Saturday, but so far no one's organizing it, so hmmmm... Went to visit Nic yesterday (my wonderful boss gave me a day's leave - out of an annual total of 26.5 - haha, suckas!), which was really great, plus the weather was gorgeous. It's been sunny for a suspiciously long time now - over a week! It's supposed to rain tonight, so that should get things back to normal. :P

Now write your comments, my loyal readers. hehe...just kidding - hopefully I'll have something interesting to update about soon!

= :)

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