Jun 4, 2006

Prague: Stop #1

So, I've finally found a decent Intermet cafe and can write a proper message. Prague, stop #1 on my grand Eastern European tour, is pretty nice. The buildings are gorgeous, and a lot of the original architecture and street layouts are still here.

Also, traveling alone? Not as bad as I thought it would be. So far, I've met someone from my hostel every night, and have been sitting and talking late into the night. I'm sure I'll get lonely at some point, but for now, it's ok. Good times.

My first day was basically spent wandering around the city, which can get pretty confusing with all the little winding streets. Didn't do too much in the way of official sightseeing, but got a general feel for the city and got to sit in the sunshine - yaay sunshine!

It's still pretty ridiculously cold for June, though - today is 50 degrees. ick. I can only hope it gets better as I head south.

Yesterday I attempted to go to the Prague Market, and was foiled by Let's Go's crunchy directions (see Spain), which basically sent me on a tram that didn't have the stop I wanted. Awesome. That failed, I went to the Prague Castle, which is massive and took me practically the rest of the day. There's a gorgeous cathedral with more beautiful and vibrant stained glass than I've ever seen. It also has a tower with a tiny spiral staircase that goes up 220 stairs and has people coming up and down at once, squeezing past one another. THAT was fun - but the view was worth it. I also visited the Toy Museum, which is inexplicably in the castle, and I'm almost ashamed to admit that it's my favorite sight in Prague so far. Am I really that uncultured? But hey, the Barbie exhibit was amazing. :P

I was going to see the old Jewish cemetary today, which is like something out of a Tim Burton film. People were buried on top of each other over the years, and now gravestones are coming out at all angles. I was really excited to see it - until I found out you have to pay to see it. Ah, living on a budget. Fun, fun.

Anyway, should get going, as my internet time is ticking away. Will update soon!

= :)

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