Jun 20, 2006

Waterfalls are my new fountains

...considering how many pictures I've been taking of them in the past few days. To be fair, I've been to 2 national parks where the main attractions are waterfalls. But still...the numbers would horrify you.

I have actually been Little Miss Outdoors today. Determined not to let the fact I have one full day in Bled (in Slovenia, in the Julian Alps) deter me, I woke up at 7am (gasp!), had breakfast, and was on the road by 8. I managed to fit in today (deep breath) a hike in Vintner Gorge, which has beautiful waterfalls (and a 4k walk there and back through cute little alpine villages), a hike up to Bled Castle (too expensive to go inside), a swim in the lake (brr), and a whitewater rafting trip. All before 6pm. I am amazed by myself.

Anyway, internet is expensive, so must fly. Vienna next and then Friday in Romania!!

= :)

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