Jan 3, 2005

And the sun still shines...

It may be cold here (and "cold" is a relative term - it's nowhere near as cold as Boston or NYC), but for some bizarre reason, it's only rained once since I've been here - and I've been here for almost an entire week.

Today was nice - I headed out to Hyde Park for a walk around while the sun was still out. I got to see Kensington Palace, the Italian fountain and the Peter Pan statue - all very British indeed. I'm also loving my new camera - it seems that most of the pictures I take turn out nicely, no matter how awful a photographer I am.

A little bit about where I'm staying - Goodenough College (and it's still a mystery to me whether the pronounciation is "gooden-o" or "good enough," although the second just seems like a cruel joke) is a residential college for students living in London. I'm currently subletting from a student here, and it means I get full use of the facilities, including the pub downstairs where dinner goes for only about £4. Very nice. My room looks out over the courtyard, and it reminds me a lot of Lowell, what with the brick and the arches and all. The neighborhood's pretty fabulous, too. Russell Square is home to the British Museum and about a million "blue plaques," markers showing that a famous person lived at that address once. It also seems to house about the entire Italian tourist population currently in London. I've heard more Italian at my tube stop than English. Do all the Italians take over the Russell Square hotels? Or do they all go traveling for New Years'? It's a mystery to me, but I've gotten some Italian practice in just eavesdropping on the lift in the Tube. :)

Today was also my expedition to the supermarket to see what I'll be able to afford to eat, once I get a kitchen. I think I went up and down every single aisle in my local Safeway - I must have looked like a crazy person. Or a very picky eater.

Ok, off to dinner...one thing about walking everywhere and being on a budget - you're always starving. In the words of Eric, I think that London may be the most expensive diet I've ever embarked upon. Or the only one, really. :)


= :)

P.S. Just saw a poster today for 2046 (Wong Kar Wai's new film that's taken ages to come out) in the Tube. It comes out Jan. 16th, and I can't wait to see it! Ok. I'll stop being a nerd now.

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