Jan 5, 2005

Scary buses...

Is it just me, or are the bus drivers here absolutely crazy? I've almost fallen over about five times now as my bus has lurched to a start, accelerating from about 0-40 in a few seconds. At least that means they might get me to work in time...if I have a job, that is. Interview #1 proceeded miserably today, in which I tried to explain to an investement publishing house why I was interested in working for them, and how this fit into my career plan. When they asked why they would want me in the office, the best I could come up with was "I'm very personable." PERSONABLE?? Who even SAYS that? But the best part had to be when he asked me to describe my "Excellent Communication Skills" (as stated on my resume) and I tripped over the first 5 or 6 words. Awesome. That combined with me trying to make my sociology class final paper into some kind of market research equals no job for Anne. One down, three more scheduled so far.

= :

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