Jan 7, 2005

Jobs #2 and #3

So I've gotten through with job interviews 2 and 3, both of which I have to say went much better than the first one. Job interview 2 was with Tay Associates, who are a temping and secretarial placement agency. Kinda boring stuff, but temping actually pays the best out of all the jobs I've seen so far - £8/hr. for the lowest rate. I was there for about 2 hours, which was kinda ridiculous, but I guess they had to test me on all my skills and such. I had an extremely long interview with an extremely friendly interviewer, in which we went through every. single. detail. of my resume. But hey, at least I got to rehearse my answers for later (and possibly more important) interviews. Then I took about an hour's worth of tests, for typing and Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I was a little apprehensive, but I did better than I thought I would Typing was 45 wpm (and if you've ever seen me type, you know that's good for me), and luckily, the Microsoft Office applications are fairly self-explanatory (or maybe the test's questions were just really transparent), because I was able to fudge my way through the questions I didn't know, ending up with a pretty fair 80-something percentile in each. Hooray for me. Now I just need to wait for them to call me...they said they'd look for secretarial jobs in architecture (the strictly architecture temping firm already turned me down), but would just look for anything for right now. Even if I don't take a job with them for the whole six months, it could be a good filler job for the meantime, as I search for something I really want.

Job #3: Sales Assistant at the Westminster Abbey Bookshop. So, basically, continuing what I was doing at the farm for another 6 months, only it would be a. inside, b. dealing with irritating tourists, and c. selling things like a "Chopin Liszt" shopping list (cheesy) and Westminster Abbey chocolate (even cheesier). But they DID have these cool little mini crowns and coronation sceptres...very fun. The job actually seemed pretty good, and they even had a schedule where you got three days in a row off every few weeks, so that you could travel, but the rate (a piddly £6.27/hr., £250 a week) probably won't cover expenses, especially with the giant chunk taken out by National Insurance and taxes. Ick.

So yeah, that's where I stand in jobs. In other news, I explored the neighborhood a little more, going incognito into UCL buildings in order to look at their bulletin boards and steal jobs away from the actual students going there. So far, unsuccessful. But tomorrow is another day.

Also, bought a suit jacket on sale at H&M at the advice of the woman at the temping agency. It's pretty cute. Yaay for clothes.

That's about it for now. Bye!

= :)

1 comment:

Anne said...

haha I know...I saw it when I visited. When I was in the shop, I thought of you.

= :)