Jan 14, 2005

Good times at work continue. I'm starting to get familiar with the place, and people were even friendlier the second day - of course, I'm sure the wine at the midday party (yes, office drinking is allowed, and quite possibly encouraged, in my new workplace) for the girl I'm replacing. I actually look forward to going to work in the morning - it's just a very pleasant place to be, and everyone's a lot of fun.

Also, it's been bright, sunny, and clear for the last few days (and is expected to stay that way through the weekend), so that's made my mornng commute to work all the more pleasant. My bus crosses the Waterloo Bridge, and I get a gorgous view of the sun hitting buildings up and down the Thames. We all gathered round the windows today at work to see a particularly beautiful sunset - I guess it's a rare enough occasion here to merit the excitement. Ok, off to meet some friends at the pub!

= :)


Erin said...

congratulations on the job!

for some reason when you talk about the bridge and sun hitting buildings, mary tyler moore pops into my head :)

Anne said...

well, I DO have my hat with me (the one you guys got me for my birthday). I'm guessing I can throw it up in the air while on a street corner every now and then.

= :)